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Three Lakes Consortium for PF (TLC4PF)

A multi-year initiative


Yale School of Medicine and University of Pittsburgh Department of Medicine


The Three Lakes Consortium for PF (TLC4PF) aims to accelerate therapies for this devastating disease. TLC4PF comprises two strategic workgroups – PF Connectome and PF Translation. These workgroups will work together to identify potential treatments for PF using artificial intelligence and cutting-edge single cell profiling technologies and to validate efficacy of the molecules with human tissue-based models. 

At least 10 institutions globally will be participating in the TLC4PF. Their contributions will establish pathways to the discovery, translation, and clinical testing of next generation therapies designed to stop and manage PF. 

The PF Connectome workgroup is led by Naftali Kaminski, MD. Dr. Kaminski is Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology and Chief of Pulmonology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at Yale University School of Medicine. The lead investigator for the PF Translation workgroup is Melanie Königshoff, MD, PhD. She is a visiting professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.


Prospective tReatment EffiCacy in IPF uSlng genOtype for Nac Selection (PRECISIONS) is a comprehensive, multicenter, and multi-investigator study.

The Impact of Antimicrobial Therapy in IPF

Clean-UP IPF was the first pragmatic trial in IPF that looks at whether antimicrobial therapy would improve hospitalization or decrease death.

Targeted Therapies for PF

Selectively targeting the cells that drive PF would protect the patients from systemic side effects associated with therapies.

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