Influence of Inhaled Exposures in PF
18 months
University of Calgary
Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILDs) are associated with inhaled environmental and occupational exposures, including air pollution, second-hand smoke, vapors, gases, dusts, and fumes. The purpose of this study is to identify the associated environmental and occupational risks for developing PF to advance understanding of how ILDs (including PF/IPF) develop.
The resultant data will be used to spread awareness about the risks and to help identify effective interventions and treatments. The research team will collect and analyze all published data from North America, Europe, and Australia to build a consensus on the most relevant exposures for PF patients. The study aims to create an evidence-based and clinically implementable questionnaire that can be used to support earlier detection based on risk, leading to improved care for patients with PF.
This program is led by Kerri Johannson, MD, MPH. Dr. Johannson is Associate Professor of Medicine and Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary. She is also Director of Clinical Research for the university’s Interstitial Lung Disease program. Dr. Johannson recently published a commentary in the December 2021 issue of Thorax. "Occupational Exposures and IPF: When the Dust Unsettles" can be found in the Publications section of the website or by clicking here.