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A Global Collaboration for PF

24 months


Centre of Research Excellence in Pulmonary Fibrosis and Lung Foundation Australia


Centre of Research Excellence in Pulmonary Fibrosis (CRE-PF) is a clinically focused research program funded by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. 

Three Lakes Foundation is collaborating with CRE-PF and Lung Foundation Australia to share expertise, resources, and knowledge with the goal of accelerating diagnosis, treatment, and delivery of life-saving therapies for PF. By joining forces, we seek to improve understanding of PF, fast-track research internationally, and uncover ways to enhance quality of life for people living with PF/IPF. 

The CRE-PF research projects are supervised by Tamera Corte, BSc, MBBS, FRACP, PhD. Dr. Corte is Clinical Associate Professor, Central Clinical School, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Australia.

Enlil Therapeutics

Three Lakes Foundation has provided funding to support Enlil Therapeutics in its quest to identify compounds that activate telomerase.

B4PF: Understanding Early Disease

To develop therapies that prevent the development of PF, it is essential to study the earliest aspects of disease pathogenesis.


Prospective tReatment EffiCacy in IPF uSlng genOtype for Nac Selection (PRECISIONS) is a comprehensive, multicenter, and multi-investigator study.

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